Effective Physiotherapy in Enfield, Harlow and Chingford that Relieves Pain and Mobility Issues
You may have some questions before booking your consultation with Epping Physiotherapy Clinic. If that’s the case, read on for answers to the most popular queries from our clients. For anything unanswered, please call our office.

No More Body Aches – Book Expert Physiotherapist in Enfield, Harlow and Chingford
Improve your motion, posture and mobility – book at Epping Physiotherapy Clinic for expert physiotherapy in Enfield, Harlow and Chingford. Our highly skilled practitioners will help you get rid of the nagging pain. We help with pre and post-surgery pain relief sessions as well.
Is your injury stopping you from leading a normal life? Book your appointment at the earliest and get motion back into your joints and muscles.
We help to:
● Reduce swellings and inflammations pre and post-surgery
● Help to prevent muscle pain, cramps and spasms.
● Facilitates the post-surgery healing process by improving the motion
● Helps sports people to return to sporting activity with proper physiotherapy treatment
Are you suffering from consistent back pain? Painkillers will help temporarily. However, they will keep coming back. Please book an appointment with us, and let us help you.
It’s time to combat discomfort
Aches, pains and stiffness are troublesome issues that can impact and limit mobility. Epping Physiotherapy Clinic specialises in stimulating techniques that help our clients manage these problems for more comfortable living. Physiotherapy can enable you to get the best from life safely and without further risk to injury by using gentle movements, hands-on manual therapy, sports massage and additional therapeutic therapies that engage the body. By offering tried and tested treatments that have been customised to your health needs, we hope to see real improvements that last.

Treatments designed around you
Given the nature of the treatment, physiotherapy has differing results depending on the patient and their individual condition. Epping Physiotherapy Clinic will first work to identify the causes of your problems and determine if these methods would be suitable.
When you attend the clinic there will be time to discuss your issue in detail, make a full physiotherapy assessment, and design an individual treatment programme that corresponds to your issue and lifestyle. Most of our treatment programmes have several components and may include:
- Manual therapy
- Body conditioning exercises
- Massage and relaxation
- Electrotherapy
Pain management guidance and advice on equipment, work stations, supports, insoles, etc
What are you struggling with?
Physiotherapy can be a valuable part of your healthcare and well-being measures, and our knowledgeable, registered professionals will provide you with the guidance and support that you require.
Having been serving Epping and the surrounding areas since 1996, there are many reasons why our clients approach us, both following a doctor referral or personal decision. Although we appreciate the uniqueness of every client that we take on board, the most common issues that we assist with include:
- Neck and back pain
- Sports injuries, sprains and strains
- Frozen shoulder and tennis elbow
- Sciatica (and other trapped nerves)
- Headaches and whiplash
- Post-surgical rehabilitation

Let’s connect
Call 01992 561112 to find out more
We hope we’ve covered everything you need to know about Epping Physiotherapy Clinic, but if there’s anything else, please get in touch.
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Find us
The Old Surgery, 267 High St, Epping, CM16 4BP
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Registered Company Address: Devonshire House, 582 Honeypot Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 1JS